Populous Map is an interactive way to experience the hidden history of British Columbia.
Exploring BC’s past and present with the Populous Map is simple.
Exploring BC’s past and present with the Populous Map is simple.
Historical events are organized on the map as colored dots.
Click a dot on the map to bring up more information about what happened there, and when.

There are four categories: Social, Economic, Political, and Environmental.

Open and close the filter menu using the toggle on the upper left. You can use more than one filter at a time for your results.
As a reminder the legend appears in the filter menu as well.

Move the map by clicking and dragging the terrain. Zoom in and out using the tool in the upper right.

The time slider at the bottom can be used to narrow the events by year.
Populous Map believes:
- That history isn’t a start and an end but how people interact with the points in between.
- That as a source, oral history is as accurate, valuable, and detailed as written form.
- That field work and travel provide greater context and are well worth the cost.
- That access to archives should be free and universal.
- That history doesn’t follow just one narrative.
- That you, your history, and your stories are worth contributing.
- That hard things to hear are worth listening to.
- That British Columbia’s history in inherently Indigenous.
- That autonomy, accessibility, and reciprocity need to be a part of gathering history.
- That sometimes we’ll need to agree to disagree and move on to the next point.
Join us on our mission to document BC's hidden history.
- Activism
- Acts
- Agriculture
- Art
- Black
- Business
- Disability
- Disaster
- Environmental
- Epidemics
- Food
- Forestry
- Gatherings
- Indigenous
- Infrastructure
- Institutions
- Languages
- Medicine
- Mental Health
- Mining
- People of Colour
- Politics
- Populous Map
- Resistance
- Transportation
- Water
- Women
- Economic
- Political
- Environmental
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© 2017 Populous Map
Designed by RXVP and developed by raquel m smith